There is something deeply satisfying about being able to grow your own food, especially as a food business owner. To be able to create delicious pizza from produce that has been grown, watered, and tended to in your garden, and hand-picked on that same morning is particularly fulfilling.
During the summers Village Pizza Dublin was self-sufficient in organic fresh basil and Cavolo Nero kale. There was also a constant supply of their own organic cherry tomatoes, rosemary, thyme, oregano, curly kale and cabbage. Free range eggs from our lovely hens: Maciek, Chicken Noodle, Saoirse, Skinny Neck and Mango would also frequently end up on our pizzas too.
Wild flowers that grew freely in our garden were put together into beautiful bouquets that adorned our little truck. They were lovingly assembled by our very talented front of house Rob-who just happened to also be a very gifted florist.